
Kuidas koer haiguse ära tunneb?

Vähk muudab keha ainevahetust. Sellised muutused põhjustavad erandlike või liigsete ainevahetusjääkide moodustumist ja sattumist vereringesse, hingeõhku, nahale ja eritistesse. Koerte kasutamine haiguste tuvastamiseks põhineb nende võimel haista selliseid ainevahetuse muudatusi.

Diagnostikakoeri õpetatakse ära tundma vähi lõhnaprofiili. Väljaõpe toimub eesnäärmevähki ja rinnavähki põdevate patsientide uriiniproovidega. Uuringud on näidanud, et koerad suudavad tuvastada ka teisi vähiprofiile kui need, mida treeningul kasutati.

Diagnostikakoertest on suur abi tervishoius, vähi sõeluuringutel ja uute tehnoloogiate arendamisel. Koeri saab õpetada tuvastama erinevaid haigusi.

Uuringud toetavad diagnostikakoerte kasutamist

Uuringud on näidanud, et koerad tuvastavad vähi lõhnaprofiili alusel. Koerajuht peab oskama tõlgendada koera tegevust ja käitumist töises olukorras.

”Jouko Vepsäläinen, Professor at the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Eastern Finland, tells the newspaper Karjalainen that cancer can be detected in people by smell.”

Karjalainen: Syövän voi haistaa ihmisestä , IS

”The two dogs picked out all the target specimens of MCF7 breast cancer cell cultures that they were trained to detect (10/10) as well as all the target specimens that they were not previously exposed to [A549 (5/5) and BG (5/5)], but did not pick out the control specimens or the cell culture medium. Thus, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for both dogs were 100%.” Uri Yoel MD1,2, Jacob Gopas PhD3,5, Janet Ozer PhD5, Roni Peleg MD1,6 and Pesach Shvartzman MD1,

Canine Scent Detection of Volatile Elements, Characteristic of Malignant Cells, in Cell Cultures, IMAJ article

”With 99% sensitivity, the olfactory test demonstrated that dogs have the ability to distinguish cancer patients from healthy individuals.” Tore Amundsen, Stein Sundstrøm, Turid Buvik, Odrun Arna Gederaas & Rune Haaverstad

Can dogs smell lung cancer? First study using exhaled breath and urine screening in unselected patients with suspected lung cancer, Acta Oncologica. 2014, Volume 53, Issue 3, Pages 307-315.

”It is well known that the domesticated dog possesses highly developed olfactory abilities.” Lucia Lazarowski & David C. Dorman

Explosives detection by military working dogs: Olfactory generalization from components to mixtures, Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Volume 151, February 2014, Pages 84-93.

”Dogs have smell receptors 10,000 times more accurate than humans’, making them highly sensitive to odors we can’t perceive. A new study has shown that dogs can use their highly evolved sense of smell to pick out blood samples from people with cancer with almost 97 percent accuracy. The results could lead to new cancer-screening approaches that are inexpensive and accurate without being invasive.” Experimental Biology

Study shows dogs can accurately sniff out cancer in blood Canine cancer detection could lead to new noninvasive, inexpensive ways to detect cancer, Science Daily

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